We believe in taking action locally and nationally to advocate for the needs and interests of Freedmen. Join us in our fight to secure a just and prosperous future for the descendants of the Freedmen. We can no longer wait for justice for 400 years of harm perpetuated against our community. Time has run out waiting for justice! #Freedmen #ReparationsNow #PureReparations #FAM

*Freedmen - Created in 1865, Freedmen refers to the formerly enslaved Black Americans who were freed via the emancipation proclamation and 13th amendment during and after the American Civil War. We believe in reactivating the term Freedmen for three purposes:

  1. Reinstate pride that is linked directly to our past.

  2. Advocacy for the establishment of an ethnic designation for those who share the same heritage as the formerly enslaved victims of chattel slavery and Jim Crow.

  3. Reactivate political protections for the descendants of Freedmen who have been plagued by the failures of Reconstruction and Jim Crow.

Re-empowering Freedmen Political Advocacy

The Freedmen Agenda League of Michigan believes that local politics the is key proponent to driving policy on a federal scale. Learn more about our political interest, priorities and agendas below.


How Can You Support?

Learn more about how you can assist #FAM in creating an America where true equality and justice exists for all. Opportunities include:

  • Interested in joining

  • Donating

  • Volunteering

  • Coalition building

  • Lobbying State Reps

  • Getting Legislation Passed


Materials and Resources #FreedmenData

Visit this section for more information regarding the socio economic status of the Freedmen Heritage. Come learn how the generational impacts of chattel slavery in the United States created the current socio economic disparities preventing Freedmen prosperity today!


“It is obvious that if a man is entered at the starting line in a race 300 years after another man, the first would have to perform some impossible feat in order to catch up with his fellow runners.”

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



Feel free to contact us with any questions. If you are interested in becoming a member or assisting us in future projects and campaigns contact us using the prompt to the right.